
This amazing Zelda hoodie makes for the world’s easiest cosplay

No Moblin’s gonna get in your way.

Photo of Colette Bennett

Colette Bennett

Zelda hoodie

Cosplay is an appealing hobby. Even so, active cosplayers will tell you that creating the costumes takes forever. If you prefer to focus on the fun, this Zelda hoodie can transform you into a hero in a single zip.

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There’s many a Zelda hoodie in the world, but this is the only one that actually sports Link’s pointy green cap. With the Hylian shield emblazoned across the back, this hoodie will make you feel downright awesome. Just imagine yourself standing on a cliff with the wind blowing your hair back all dramatic-like. Concentrate and you can even hear the Moblins screeching in the background.

Available in both men and women’s sizes, the hoodie retails for $59.99 through Merchoid. Throw on your jeans and this, and boom, your cosplay is done. Now you can make smug faces at those people at the con that spent six months suffering over their costumes.

Buy it here



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