
Gear up with this Zelda bow and arrow set from ‘Breath of the Wild’

This weapon doesn’t crack.

Photo of Jaime Carrillo

Jaime Carrillo

zelda bow and arrow

It’s dangerous to go up against the deadly and fearsome Guardians in Hyrule alone. Take this Zelda bow and arrow set from Breath of the Wild.

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This replica is a tangible model of Link’s Traveler’s Bow from the latest Zelda title. To make this humble bow into a fearsome weapon, it comes complete with an Ancient Arrow, the one-hit kill devastator. And just like the in-game version, this Ancient Arrow lights up, letting the enemy know just who they’re messing with.

It even comes with a Sheikah display case to place proudly over a mantle or fireplace. Just the sight of it will keep the forces of Ganon at bay. This gorgeous replica is available on ThinkGeek for $79.99.

Buy it here



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