A Japanese blogger named Yoppy sat himself down outside the Ginza Apple store last week to wait for the iPhone 6.
世界で一番最初にiPhone6の行列に並ぶことに成功。 pic.twitter.com/B69WL6pAtn
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 3, 2014
Apple hasn’t announced a release date for the iPhone 6, but it’s expected in September. Yoppy got totally screwed on the iPhone 5 when he only showed up a day early.
Determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past, Yoppy settled in for the long haul.
世界で一番最初にiPhone6の行列に並ぶことに成功。 pic.twitter.com/B69WL6pAtn
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 3, 2014
Eventually, however, curiosity got the best of him. It’s miles easier to wait for something so long as you know when it’ll be coming. So he tried to figure out exactly when the new iPhone would be released.
世界最速でiPhoneの行列に並びましたが使っているパソコンはDELLです。 pic.twitter.com/IQNcHapJts
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 3, 2014
Yoppy learned that a specific date had not yet been set, so he resolved to enter the store and demand an answer.
あと七ヶ月か… pic.twitter.com/X5P7cwCJqR
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 3, 2014
具体的な目標が無いのはツラいので九月のいつ発売予定か聞いてくる。 pic.twitter.com/8wCI9ktZOl
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 3, 2014
Turns out Apple hasn’t even announced the iPhone 6 yet as a concept, much less as a product scheduled to be released. Darn!
「iPhone6っていつ出るんですか?」ってアップルストアの店員さんに聞いたら、「発売日は未定だし、そもそもiPhone6という商品自体が発売になるかどうかもわかりません」って言われました。なにそれ。 pic.twitter.com/2OYg9nTpu7
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 3, 2014
Yoppy decided to call it quits.
帰る。 pic.twitter.com/dMsSVCDvzp
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 3, 2014
But hey, it looks like he’s already found something better to get excited about:
大雪が街にやってきた。 pic.twitter.com/IMcxfVYTuI
— ヨッピー (@yoppymodel) February 9, 2014
H/T TechnoBuffalo | Photos via Yoppy/Twitter and Thomas Van Der Weerd remix by Jason Reed (CC BY-SA 2.0)