
This porn site is rerouting its Utah traffic to sex ed videos

It’s in response to state lawmakers rejecting comprehensive sex education.

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On Monday, Utah lawmakers roundly rejected a bill that would have given parents the choice of opting their children into comprehensive sex education. Now, porn site xHamster is responding by sending traffic to the site from Utah to PG-13 sex education videos.

“Beginning immediately, we’re rerouting all xHamster traffic from Utah to our comprehensive sex ed series, The Box,” said xHamster. “We’ve been working on The Box since last year, producing videos based on questions submitted by porn viewers.”


Currently, the tube site says it is serving Utahns with a popup reading, “Can we turn the thirstiest state in the nation into the smartest?” (A 2009 report found that Utah ranked No. 1 in subscriptions to porn sites.) Visitors then have the option of being redirected to its sex ed series. The Box is not at all explicit and answers viewer-submitted questions like, “How do you have an orgasm?” and “What is a queef?” So, instead of getting an eyeful of porn, Utahns who opt-in to the sex ed videos will be greeted with snappy clips on things like “the secret to anal sex.”

xHamster says it’s responding both to the rejection this week of HB 215, which would have given parents an alternative to abstinence-based education, and to Utah lawmakers’ ongoing attack on pornography. Last year, the state declared pornography a “public health hazard.”



This move by xHamster is particularly amusing in light of a recent comment by the rejected bill’s sponsor, Rep. Brian King: “I refuse to be passive in the light of aggressive efforts by pornography sites across the world in attempting to reach our children and and educate them about sex ed,” he said. According to the Salt Lake City news site Good4Utah, this was said in response to news reports of “porn websites wanting to be so called teachers of sex Ed” — presumably, they are referring to Pornhub recently launching its sex ed sub-site.

xHamster is at least partially on-board with Rep King’s thinking. As the site explained in a blog post about the decision, “While we love porn, we don’t think that it should be relied on for sex ed any more than Star Wars is a substitute for science class.”

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