
‘I’d feel safer in the normal one’: Viral TikTok of women-only parking garage sparks debate

‘Idea was there, execution not very much’

Photo of Clara Wang

Clara Wang

pink painted parking garage

A viral TikTok from Natasha Gallier (@natashagallier) of a designated all-female parking garage floor sparked debate over women’s safety. The video amassed over 428,400 views and 60,000 likes since posting Tuesday.

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A text-to-speech narration reads, “Don’t know if we should be happy or scared there’s a female only parking with security,” the video pans around a pink area of the parking garage. Signs are posted saying, “Kindly reserve this bay for female drivers.”

The TikTok shows the garage is based in Perth, Australia. The City of Perth began piloting “female friendly” parking lots with higher security in 2016 to test a safer lot for women, according to WAToday. However, the idea was met with mixed reviews at the time.


Today, the opinions over the garage echo those from five years ago. Some folks were open to the idea while other commenters pointed out that while the intentions may be good, a “woman-only area” may create a prime target for predators.

“the fact this needs to be a thing says a lot…,” @kaleighddrew says.

“Idea was there, execution not very much,” @sexonlegsie says.

“So now they know which exact cars to hide around to kidnap women… where’s the security cause it looks even more unsafe than regular parks,” @loftusbud says.


“This scares me… I’d feel safer in the normal one so they don’t know where I am,” @aliice8101 says.

The Daily Dot reached out to Gallier for comment.

Editor’s note: Due to a technical error, our original message to this TikToker may not have been delivered.