
‘This would scare me’: Woman receives email alerting her of Chipotle ‘doppelgänger’ who ordered same meal

‘Bigger indicator of compatibility than any dating site.’

Photo of Sarah Kester

Sarah Kester

Chipotle customer greenscreen TikTok over Chipotle YOU HAVE A CHIPOTLE DOPPLEGANGER email with caption 'Who is my chipotle doppleganger' (l) Chipotle sign (c) Chipotle customer greenscreen TikTok over Chipotle YOU HAVE A CHIPOTLE DOPPLEGANGER email with caption 'Who is my chipotle doppleganger' (r)

Serendipity works in mysterious ways. It may help a person discover something valuable or connect two lovers by chance.

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Or serendipity may unite a person with their long-lost Chipotle doppelgänger. 

This very thing happened to a woman on TikTok who says that she received an email from Chipotle, alerting her that someone in Kansas ordered the exact meal as her.

Now, she’s on the hunt to find this person.

@annabananas614 who tf in kansas is ordering this, i need to know. Its giving vampire diaires #chipotle #vampirediaries #doppelganger ♬ The Vampire Diaries – Main Theme – Geek Music

“Who tf in kansas is ordering this, i need to know,” TikToker Anna (@annabananas614) captioned her viral video. The Vampire Diaries reference is referring to the five known Petrova doppelgänger in the show.

The Vampire Diaries theme song played as Anna showed the email she received from Chiptole. It’s part of the award-winning Chipotle email campaign that alerts customers when someone ordered the exact same thing they did.

“Who is my chipotle dopplegänger!!” she pondered in the text overlay. (The Daily Dot reached out to Anna and Chipotle.)


The ominous music, mixed with the secret nature of the email, scared some viewers.

“No cuz that email would scare me so bad id never return,” this user wrote. “When i saw mine i was scared the email is so serious for no reason lol,” another shared.

Others were more concerned with Chipotle giving their personal information out to strangers.

“This would scare me cause why they putting my info out there,” this person pointed out.


Forget finding doppelgängers; some users believe that the alert could help customers find love.

“They should make this a dating app to find the person with the same bowl order as you,” this person stated.

“Just might be a bigger indicator of compatibility than any dating site low key,” another shared.

Anna may not have found her dopplegänger from Kansas, but she did find plenty of other Chipotle customers with the same order as her. 


“This is my order but it wasnt me,” this person wrote.

“I got one of those and I was so happy like someone else appreciates,” another added.

A third commented, “I would genuinely become friends with someone if they got my exact order cus thats just good taste.”

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