
Twitter says suspending ‘God’ for a pro-LGBTQ tweet was an ‘error’

‘If gay people are a mistake, they’re a mistake I’ve made hundreds of millions of times.’

Photo of Dominic-Madori Davis

Dominic-Madori Davis

god lgbtq tweet
Michelangelo/Wikipedia (Public Domain)

It seems Twitter backed down after mistakenly picking a fight with a higher power.

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This week, writer-producer David Javerbaum, whose Twitter handle and display are @TheTweetOfGod and “God,” respectively was suspended from the social site after tweeting in support of the LGBTQ community.

“If gay people are a mistake, they’re a mistake I’ve made hundreds of millions of times, which proves I’m incompetent and shouldn’t be relied upon for anything,” he tweeted.


Despite getting praise and thousands of retweets, Twitter suspended the account for “violating rules against hateful conduct.”


Shortly after, Twitter issued a statement to God saying its support team had made an “error” and later determined there was “no violation.”

God, however, was less than impressed.


“Please,” God responded to the statement. “Don’t try to make all kissy-kissy with Me now, Twitter. It’s too late. You messed with the wrong Near Eastern Bronze Age sky-father-king projection. By the time I’m done with you, MYSPACE will laugh at your relevance.”


Stay in your lane, Twitter.


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H/T PinkNews

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