
‘GIRRRLLLLL YOU LEFT OVER $3 CHEESE???’: TikTokers are blasting a woman for walking out on Hinge date after he wouldn’t pay $3 extra for cheese on his burger

‘That man dodged an Avengers-level threat and got a free burger.’

Photo of Jack Alban

Jack Alban

woman who walked out of a date after the guy wouldn't pay $3 extra for cheese on his burger

Cheapness is often considered one of the worst qualities that a person can have, but there are many who would argue that there’s a clear difference between being stingy and being frugal. And it appears that there are a lot of TikTokers who are blasting another user for not knowing the difference.

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A woman by the name of Dafna (@dafna_diamant) says in a TikTok that she ditched a date she was on because the guy refused to pay $3 for a single slice of cheese on his burger.

Dafna says she matched with a man using the dating app Hinge and they agreed to meet up with one another for dinner. Things were going well until he declined to put cheese on his burger after the waitress told him that it would require an additional $3 charge. For Dafna, this was a dealbreaker.

@dafna_diamant It was $55 #datinglife #storytime #datinginyour20s #datinginnyc #icant ♬ original sound – Dafna

The TikToker was shocked that he would decline to pay an extra $3 for a slice of cheese, saying, “I’m like what the actual fuck? I’m like OK, I’m hungry I’m gonna get my branzino and see what happens.”

Dafna continues, “And he’s like, ‘oh my God, you have to pay extra for everything these days’ and I’m like, ‘yeah. It’s New York City.’”

Dafna says after they both received their meals and she ate until “she was satisfied” she told him she will visit the restroom.

“I took my purse and I went to the waitress and I was like, ‘hey, I just wanna pay the bill’ and I just paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant and I texted him,” she says. “So I texted him, ‘the check is taken care of you should have gotten the cheese’ and I blocked him.”


Dafna wrote in the caption for her video that the dinner “was $55.”

Many TikTokers expressed their shock that she would post a video about her actions as if she was in the right for ditching somebody on a date because they refused to pay $3 for a singular slice of cheese.

“I wonder what she’s feeling reading these comments. I hope she doesn’t delete this,” one user wrote.

One TikTok user said they thought Dafna’s story was headed in an entirely different direction, writing, “LMAO I thought this was going to be about him commenting that your food was too expensive or not wanting to pay for branzino. You are insane.”


Others thought it was ridiculous that the restaurant would serve up branzino for its customers but that they would charge $3 for a piece of cheese.

“Who would pay $3 for a slice of cheese?” one wrote. Another penned, “A restaurant with branzino doesn’t include cheese in their burgers? Lol.”

Several others felt that she ultimately did the man a favor by blocking him, with one user writing, “He got luckyyy.”

Another, one of many, wrote, “bro seems like he dodged a missile.”


Overall, there were a lot of viewers who thought the woman’s behavior was out of line.

“That…that didn’t mean you had to leave him in the restaurant?!” a user said.

In a follow-up video, Dafna responded to TikTokers who called her “unhinged” saying that their rude comments on her videos about her being “ugly” and that she should kill herself were out of line. She added that she’s still talking with the guy who is a “psycho like [her]” and that she’s a broke student who spends half of her salary on rent.

@dafna_diamant Happy Saturday #3dollarcheese #crazygirl #getalife ♬ original sound – Dafna

Commenters remarked they thought she said she had blocked the guy while others wanted “proof” that they were going out on another date. Others said that the follow-up clip only made matters worse, as she demonstrated a lack of financial awareness.

The criticism kept coming for Dafna after she posted a third video on the matter where she visited a restaurant where she asks the waitress to give her $12 worth of cheese on a burger.

@dafna_diamant The bullet in action #3dollarcheese #crazygirl ♬ original sound – Dafna

Another TikToker, Zakir (@zockr) posted a clip insinuating that he was the man who purchased the $21 burger. He recorded a video where he was walking down the street with a burger in his hands, where he says, “To be fair, I had the intention of paying, $21 for this burger, so adding $3 for cheese was not fucking worth it. But thank you for paying for dinner, bye bye, ta ta.”


Commenters responded to Zakir, who has uploaded several clips in the past about difficulties in dating, doubting if he was really the individual she went out on a date with. Others who believed he was the man in question repeated that he “dodged a bullet” and was in the right for refusing to pay $3 for cheese.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Dafna via TikTok comment and Zakir via email.

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