
‘They took 3 of my eggs’: TikToker says she was abducted by aliens and has ovarian scarring to ‘prove it,’ sparking debate

‘You can believe me. You don’t have to.’

Photo of Tricia Crimmins

Tricia Crimmins

A woman on TikTok says she was abducted by alien and that they took her eggs.

In a TikTok with more than 3 million views, user Sheera Rejoice says she was “taken by extraterrestrial beings” and that they took three of her eggs. Rejoice also says that ovarian scarring proves her story.

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The video, posted Nov. 12, took TikTok by storm and was viewed 3.5 million times and has over 5,000 comments, many of which are skeptical of her experience.

Rejoice then posted four videos explaining the abduction and how she came to the conclusion that three of her eggs had been taken.


She says in 2018, she was falling asleep on her couch while lying on her back and felt “paralysis.” Then, she says, her door opened to reveal “a holographic-looking figure.” She says aliens took her, and she began to levitate and felt “tingly,” though she didn’t feel when the aliens took her eggs.

“I was in this state of pure bliss while they were doing it,” she says in a follow-up video. “I didn’t want to wake up from it, but I ended up waking up from it.”

After the experience, she says, she got sober and changed her name. A shaman that she was working with told her that she had “three hybrid babies,” which she determined meant that aliens had taken three of her eggs.

Rejoice makes it clear in her videos that she doesn’t expect everyone to believe her story.


“I live my life in a very spiritual way and it’s very much unscientific for some folks to understand,” she says. “You can believe me. You don’t have to. Just know that not everyone lives in a scientific reality.”

Many comments on Rejoice’s videos suggested that she is schizophrenic and that her experience was part of a delusion. In response to such comments, Rejoice said that misdiagnoses from people who aren’t doctors are “harmful.”

“I think it’s extremely wrong to the folks who do suffer with schizophrenia,” Rejoice said.

With regard to the scars on her ovary, commenter @beeslovehunny told Rejoice that scarring can be a result of ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, and/or endometriosis. Rejoice responded saying that her ultrasounds showed that she didn’t suffer from any of those three conditions.


Another commenter, @huskytech_, identified themselves as an ultrasound technician and wrote that egg removal doesn’t cause scarring.

Other commenters said that because Rejoice fell asleep on her back, she was probably experiencing sleep paralysis. It is commonly believed that experiences of alien abduction are the product of lucid dreaming.

Rejoice thanked many commenters individually for expressing their support and belief in her story.

“Thanks so much for seeing me,” she wrote. “It means a lot.”


The Daily Dot reached out to Rejoice via Instagram direct message.