
Pamper your man parts with Nutt Butter

Slather ’em up.

Photo of The Daily Dot Bazaar

The Daily Dot Bazaar

nut butter

Say you’re a dude — there’s a 99% chance that your (their *shakes fist*) nether regions don’t always smell like roses. Luckily, Tame the Beast Nutt Butter is designed to extinguish that smell, while providing soothing sensations and anti-chafe lubrication to your little buddies.

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Since we know that all of you, deserve to be, um, pampered, this pleasant, revitalizing cream with a eucalyptus tingle and no artificial colors or dyes will take care of you down under. Restrictive clothing and hot days ain’t got nothing on your new self-care regimen.

You can also apply it to your back and chest for relaxing, soothing, and revitalizing experience. It’s a jack of all trades.

Get the Tame the Beast Nutt Butter cream for $12.99 from the Daily Dot store. That’s reduced from the original price of $19.


Buy it here


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