On this day in 1885, 225 tons of disassembled metal arrived by ship from France in the New York Harbor. Today those hunks of metal stand tall as the Statue of Liberty, symbol of all that is good and free and transformable into sellable tourist trinkets.
In honor of this day, we bring you Statue of Liberty regalia from Etsy, the community of artisan sellers.
If you choose, you can wear her as fashionable jewelry. We’ve got your pins, your antique beads (which I barely resisted buying), and your earrings.
You can put her on your body in the form of T-shirts. And of course, you can just buy art that allows you to put Liberty on your wall and admire her anytime you’d like.
Check out this full-size watercolor painting of our Lady of Liberty.
There all sorts of vintage postcards. And this being the Internet, well of course, there is an ode to cats with this postcard of “Claude” visiting the Statue Of Liberty.
But no patriotic home would be complete without the Lady Liberty clothespin doll.
Hurry up and pick up your salute to the patriotic statue: Liberty’s anniversary is today, but the Fourth of July is just around the corner.