
This ‘Rogue One’ collectibles box is heaven for Star Wars fans

May the Fourth be with you, young Padawan.

Photo of The Daily Dot Bazaar

The Daily Dot Bazaar

rogue one collector's box

It’s the day we celebrate any and all things Star Wars! Wish yourself a happy Fourth with this Rogue One: A Star Wars Story NEFF Collector’s Box.

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Star Wars fans that loved Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will go nuts for this box. It includes collectible headwear and a shirt and a Funko figurine. You also score a signed Star Wars novel, a Marvel Star Wars comic book and more.

Celebrate May 4th right. Get this Rogue One Collector’s box from the Daily Dot store for $79 and cover yourself in Star Wars goodness. It’s even reduced from the original price of $108.99, so your fandom is actually saving you money.



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