
It’s time again for puppies to discover snow

I’m not crying; it’s just snowing on my face.

Photo of Alex Dalbey

Alex Dalbey

puppy in snow with hat

Winter Storm Avery dropped a heavy blanket of snow on the northeastern United States on Thursday, coating New York City in an earliest-in-season record of six inches and other areas in as much as a full foot. As folks dig out their cars and shovel their driveways for the first time this season, it’s easy to get caught up in winter blues.

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There is a simple remedy, however: puppies. While snow spells traffic and cold chores for humans, puppies are not bound by such responsibilities. When puppies see snow, they are filled with wonder, and their wonder infects us humans with joy.

Many people are taking their pups out for their first experience with snow, and their wagging tails are melting our hearts. 

Some puppies are calm, and just enjoy being in the interesting new environment.



Some pups get extra playful and drag their older doggy siblings along for some frosted play-wrestling.

Some puppies are so small that they have to bunny hop and flop through the snow, only to come up with flakes clinging to their belly fur and chins.



Some puppies just can’t stop chasing after and chomping at all the fluffy white stuff while their humans run to keep up.


One young shepherd dog showed off the classic snow-appreciation strategy of sticking her nose right in a pile of snow. Her owner said she didn’t want to come back inside.


Of course, not all pups love the snow, but they still look extremely cute in their warm knit winter gear.


Once again, dogs remind us that the cold, cold world is full of beauty if you’re just willing to get a little goofy in it.