
‘Mass casualties’ reported as Miami pedestrian bridge collapses

This story is developing.

Photo of Ramon Ramirez

Ramon Ramirez

FIU bridge collapse

A new pedestrian bridge located in Miami at Florida International University collapsed on Thursday, trapping what appear to be several cars underneath in what local authorities are calling a “mass casualty” incident.

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One person has been confirmed dead, while CNN is reporting there are “multiple fatalities.” Footage of the aftermath immediately flooded social media. The bridge collapsed shortly before 2pm ET, according to the Miami Herald. The pedestrian walkway was due to be completed and opened next year.


According to the Herald, FIU has been touting the efficient construction of the bridge. A video of the project was posted in 2015 by Munilla Construction Management.

According to CNN, the bridge was installed on Saturday and cost $14.2 million to build, funded via a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation.


In a statement, FIU officials said they were “shocked and saddened” at the news of the collapse.


This story is developing.