
Learn any language for as little as $10

Impress your relatives this holiday season by becoming bilingual.

Photo of The Daily Dot Bazaar

The Daily Dot Bazaar


Instead of dodging awkward conversations with your relatives this holiday season, show off your sweet bilingual skills by learning a new language through uTalk Language Education.

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Knowing how to speak another language is a more valuable skill than ever before. And we don’t mean just learning some basic greetings and conjugating common verbs: we mean speaking as fluently as a local — which is easier than it sounds thanks to this intuitive language learning app.

Stop dreading family reunions and start to communicate with your relatives from overseas instead. Just don’t blame us when you can’t avoid questions about who you’re dating. You can choose from over 130 different languages and master anything from Spanish to Italian. And best of all, get access to your account from any device.

For a limited time, you can get lifetime subscriptions to uTalk Language Education for crazy-low early Black Friday prices. Here are the options:

  • 1 Language
    MSRP: $64.99
    Original Daily Dot Store Price: $19.99
    Early Black Friday Pricing: $9.99
  • 6 Languages
    MSRP: $324.95
    Original Daily Dot Store Price: $29.99
    Early Black Friday Pricing: $19.99
  • 12 Languages
    MSRP: $649.99
    Original Daily Dot Store Price: $49.99
    Early Black Friday Pricing: $29.99
  • 22 Languages
    MSRP: $$1,299.80
    Original Daily Dot Store Price: $99.99
    Early Black Friday Pricing: $59.99

Buy it here



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