
‘Real Housewives’ star accused of photo-editing her children to be thinner

Someone has edited the photos, but was it actually Kim Zolciak herself?

Photo of Samantha Grasso

Samantha Grasso

Kim Zolciak accused of photo editing her children smaller

Someone is definitely out here photo-editing the twin children of Real Housewives of Atlanta‘s Kim Zolciak to make them look smaller, but is it actually Zolciak herself?

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An “exposing” account of the Housewives star has accused her of photo-editing a snapshot of her 4-year-old twin children, Kala and Kane, to make the pair look smaller, with Kala exhibiting a smaller waist and a shorter torso, and Kane with smaller ears.

According to the Instagram account wigzncigs, the editing was “caught” by viewers of Zolciak’s Instagram story. Zolciak allegedly posted the untouched photo of her children standing side-by-side, deleted it, then re-uploaded a version of the photo that was retouched with the smaller features. Wigzncigs doesn’t specify when the photos were uploaded to the story but stated in the caption of its Oct. 14 post that the photos were sent to the account via a direct message.

The post itself is a slideshow of four photos showing a side-by-side of the allegedly deleted and reposted photos, then the individual untouched, then retouched, photos, then the retouched photo with portions of Kala’s body circled, supposedly the parts of the photo that were altered.


A second post from wigzncigs shows a before-and-after of the two photos, better defining the alterations allegedly made by Zolciak. The Daily Dot’s own analysis of the two isolated photos too shows that Kala and Kane’s waists look smaller in the second photo, as does Kane’s ears.

Yes, someone has definitely edited these photos. However, it’s unclear if these photos were ever posted by Zolciak herself, and weren’t just alterations done to the primary photo she posted, passed off as a “secondary” photo that “replaced” an original image. While screenshots show that the image appears to have come from Zolciak’s story, the username isn’t fully seen in the screenshots, meaning that anyone with a username ending that resembled Zolciak’s username could have posted the photo and the edited photo themselves.


Even if Zolciak had posted the first photo, the timestamp between the first and second photo shows that both were posted “four minutes” ago from their screenshots. It might have been a coincidence, but also could mean that the secondary screenshot is just an edited version of the original, and was never posted to Zolciak’s account.

While many critics have disparaged Zolciak on the post for supposedly editing her children, there’s no conclusive evidence from the exposing account that Zolciak posted the edited photo to her story in the first place.


On Twitter, Zolciak has pushed back on the accusations, calling the people involved “fuckin sick” and denying she ever took the original photo of her children off her story, nor have ever or will ever edit their photos.

“I will no longer stand for this bullshit!” she tweeted on Tuesday.

H/T Us Magazine
