
‘My dogs are probably gonna sh*t their brains out tonight’: TikToker says ‘Karen’ neighbor dumped chili powder in her backyard to keep dogs away

‘NOBODY got that much chili powder just chillin in their spice cabinet.’

Photo of Brooke Sjoberg

Brooke Sjoberg

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A viral video calling out a so-called “Karen” who poured piles of chili power over a woman’s fence has garnered 2.3 million views on TikTok.

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The video, posted last week, shows a large amount of chili powder along user @smolgoatt’s fence line, which she says a neighbor placed with the intent to deter her dogs from barking at them.

“So my neighbor poured a bunch of orange stuff in my backyard today,” the poster says in the video. “So I get home, I let my girls out, I notice immediately that they start eating whatever this is on my fence line. My neighbor’s yard is on the other side of this fence. I called my housing company first and asked them if anyone was at the house today, if there was any workorders. They said no, they don’t know what it is. So I went over to my neighbor’s house, and asked her what it is.”

She says the neighbor admitted to duping the chili powder over the fence, claiming that she was “sleep deprived” because of barking from her dogs.

“My neighbor says, ‘Yeah, that was me,’” she says. “Apparently that was all chili power, it looks like a shit ton of it too. So I asked, ‘Why’d you do that, they’ve been eating it?’ and she said, ‘I didn’t know that they would eat it, I just saw it online and thought it would be a good idea since they’re always barking at us and harassing my dog and peeing on the fence line.’”

The dogs, or “girlies” in question, according to @smolgoatt are 7-month-old puppies named Storm and Rogue, who were found at a dump site before being rescued and adopted.

“They do have a lot of training left to do, but they are in no way aggressive and their tummies are probably not going to be happy with all of the chili powder they ate,” she said. “My whole issue with the situation is like, I get you’re sleep-deprived from the barking that I didn’t know bothered you that much. If you just came over and talked to me about it, I could have been working on the issue for months. But instead of coming over and talking to me about it, like an adult, my dogs are probably going to shit their brains out tonight. I get chili powder is dog deterrent, but not this much. Usually you’re supposed to mix it with water and then spray it, not dump all of this in my backyard over my fence.”


“I was able to clean up most of it,” she says. “The girls are doing fine right now, I called the vet and they said just monitor them.”

In a follow-up video, @smolgoatt said her dogs were doing fine and that when she tried to involve her housing company, they did not do anything, and that she would rather not involve the police.

However, many commenters are urging her to at least file a police report to establish precedence if she does something like this again.


“They tried to poison your pets over some barking?” one commenter wrote. “Literally press charges.”

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The Daily Dot has reached out to @smolgoatt via TikTok DM regarding the videos.