
Master Javascript and backend development for less than $50

Get 14 courses cover backend technical skills for under $4 a course.

Photo of Jaime Carrillo

Jaime Carrillo

javascript class

Backend developers are the backbone of the tech world. All your favorite apps would basically be useless without these unsung heroes. This Javascript class will give you a crash course on all the tools you need.

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And while Javascript is essential, this tutorial covers Bootstrap, SQL, Python, and other essentials for backbone development. Through 14 in-depth courses, this bundle will teach you exactly how to build dynamic websites and apps. Plus, you’ll be able to manage databases and add some extremely lucrative skills to your tech toolbox. Here are some of the core concepts you’ll be adding to your resume after just 78 hours.


JavaScript is the advanced programming language every developer needs in their skillset. It’s used to make web pages dynamic alongside HTML and CSS. It’s built into nearly every web browser already, making it one of the most seamless skills to learn, and it will help you take your websites from good to great.



Bootstrap is a free open-source library of components, plugins, and prototyping tools for designing responsive websites and applications. It’s one of the best ways to put your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS skills to work.


SQL is a special-purpose programming language designed for storing, querying, and manipulating data. With it, data scientists and marketing analysts can create and communicate through databases and manage the massive amounts of data gathered by sites like YouTube, Wikipedia, and Twitter.



Python is a simple starting point for those looking to become backend developers. Big web companies like Spotify and Dropbox use this general-purpose programming language, but it can also be beneficial for data analysts, AI specialists, and game designers.


Not to be confused with JavaScript, Java is a programming language that allows programmers to write instructions using English-based commands. It’s traditionally used for client-server web applications, but it’s also the basis for building Android apps.



The general-purpose programming language C may be old, but it can still be put to good use. Other languages like Python, Java, and C++ interact with C, making it the lingua franca of web development. It’s also fast, portable, and available on all platforms.

Each of the 14 courses in this bundle is worth $200, but you can get them at less than $4 a pop. Grab The Ultimate Backend Developer Bundle on the Daily Dot Store for just $49 (regularly $2786).

Buy it here



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