
‘That was your wife’s friend testing you’: Husband receives ‘spam’ sexts in viral TikTok

‘Smart Man.’

Photo of Kathleen Wong

Kathleen Wong

iMessage phonescreen caption ' My husband got this random text today...he chose life laughing emoji laughing emoji' (l) iMessage phonescreen caption ' Not today satan laughing emoji ' (r)

A TikTok showing a husband’s “loyal” response to spam sexts is going viral.

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Ashli Whitworth (@ashbash0921) posted the TikTok on Monday. In the TikTok clip, it shows a text message exchange between her husband and an alleged scam number. “My husband got this random text today…he chose life,” the text overlay reads with laugh-crying emojis. “Not today satan.”

“Feeling frisky 2nite,” said the first scam text.

“Wrong number,” responded her husband.


“I’ve run a bath and bought some new body oil for u to try on me;)!” replied the number.

“Again, you have the wrong number…. I suggest you Stop texting me unless you plan on drowning in that bath just ran…. my wife don’t play,” replied Whitworth’s husband.

As of Wednesday, the TikTok has over 676,200 views.

In the comments, people joked that “was your wife’s friend testing you.”


“Smart Man,” another TikToker wrote.

“I want that kinda love,” another wrote.

“Ultimate response,” a TikToker commented.

Many commenters said they are also receiving the same spam text. According to NPR, in the past couple years, spam texts have been significantly on the rise. According to Reddit conversations, sexual spam texts like this, received by users verbatim, are commonly reported.


The Daily Dot has reached out to Whitworth via Instagram direct message and email.