Internet Culture

The thirst for these police hotties who worked during Irma is indeed very real

Men in uniform apparently never go out of style.

Photo of Jessica Machado

Jessica Machado

florida first responders hot hurricane irma

The internet’s latest collective baes prove the rescue fantasy is no joke. Meet Officers Nordman, Hamill, and Rengering, the “night crew” who worked during Hurricane Irma and easy-on-the-eyes targets for thirsty jokes like “as if Florida wasn’t already wet enough.”

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It all began on Saturday with Gainesville Police Department posting the photo above of the officers “getting ready to do some work”—and let’s just say the internet went wild. As of this writing, the post has 373K likes and nearly half as many comments, proving that, despite that overdone lumbersexual thing, beards are still indeed sexy. Also, so is an earnest smile sandwiched by a few playful scowls.


The officers had fun with the whole thing, too, responding in their original post, “We’re dying with the comments. You’ve actually made our chief blush with some of them.” They even go on to mention that Nordman and Hamill, the two officers on the left, are married, but Rengering “with the amazing hair” is single. Also, “Please do not call 9-1-1 and request this group respond to your ‘incident.’”

But because we can’t flip the male gaze on its head without a little innocuous sexism, they did make a joke that Rengering is being placed into a witness-protection program called “Cougar Prey Protective Care.” I guess if you’re a un-self-consciously horny and vocal woman, you must be older than 35? Actually, I could probably vouch for that.


Meanwhile, this is probably the best publicity cops have seen since, uh, hmmm. And if we can find a bright, lusty spot in an onslaught of natural disaster news and general apocalyptic neuroses, then we should probably embrace it. Plus, there is hope for the future: The Gainsville dudes promised there’s a calendar on the way.

H/T Metro U.K.

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