
Gay man thanks mom for moving him to U.S. in heartwarming video

This mother crossed borders to protect her son.

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Get out your tissues, because this video of a gay man talking about how his mother may have saved his life is definitely an emotional rollercoaster. 

Javier is an openly gay man living in the U.S. today, and he shared his personal journey of coming here as a child. His mom’s motivations will definitely warm your heart. 

Originally from Guatemala, Javier’s mother moved their family to America because she feared for his safety as he grew up. The Central American nation is not known for being particularly queer-friendly, with the majority of Guatemalans opposing LGBTQ equality issues such as same-sex marriage. With this in mind, Javier’s mom knew she had to move to do right by her son. 

Now, he has the opportunity to thank her—and give voice to the fear many undocumented LGBTQ immigrants are experiencing under the current administration. 

Prepare to cry, and just maybe call your mom, too.

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