Internet Culture

Furries stop domestic assault in viral video (updated)

Not all heroes wear capes. But some wear fursuits.

Photo of Felix Kalvesmaki

Felix Kalvesmaki

Furries on the ground, wrestling with a man accused of attacking his partner.

A group of furries went viral Saturday after Twitter user Robbie Ryans shared a video of the fursuiters physically intervening in a domestic violence incident. The role-players, who were in San Jose, California, attending Further Confusion (aka FurCon) “pull[ed] together to stop an abuser” who’s since been charged with domestic assault, CNN reports.

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Ryans, who goes by @robbiesets on Twitter, said the group was taking a smoke break from the convention when they saw the couple’s fight.

“We heard a woman’s screams coming from inside and saw the passenger throwing full fists at whoever was driving,” Ryans told the Daily Dot. “We got up and ran towards the car, my friend pulled open the door and we both held onto the attacker. The girl driver was yelling for him to get out, as he started trying to fight us off.”

Another person seen in the clip did not immediately respond to the Daily Dot’s request for comment.


The video is a lot of chaos, boasting plenty of screams and pleas, but the most intelligible line from the two apprehending the alleged attacker is a pink-clad furry saying “you were just hitting her.” This is important to note as apparently, some redditors are trying to twist the narrative into a furry-led assault.



Visiting the Reddit thread itself, though, gives way to a bit of positivity. Some called fursuiters “brave” for “going against the grain.” Others tried to clarify the situation depicted with the 30 seconds of film.

Still, much of the information shared in the thread is incorrect. One Reddit user described the conflict as these two fursuiters breaking up a fight between an Uber driver and a passenger, which isn’t what happened. But points for trying.

Update 4:06pm CT, Jan. 23: One of the people depicted in the video, who goes by Jo, said the furry group jumped in after noticing the blue car shown in the video pull up to their hotel. The assailant was allegedly attacking the victim inside when Ryans began recording, and Jo stepped in with others.

“I see the passenger of the vehicle swinging in whaling on a female driver,” Jo said. “I cannot stand by and just watch. I ran in there with [Ryans], yelling for him to stop. When he wouldn’t, I reached for the door yanked it open and grabbed his hands to stop him from hitting the driver. And as soon as I saw some extra hands on the passenger, I ran inside to the Marriott to get ahold of security, and [ran] back outside and help hold the guy down.”


The Daily Dot