“Dude it took me 2 years to overcome PTSD from PA work.”
That’s one comment on filmmaker and production assistant Sebastian Cubille’s viral TikTok from earlier this month, captioned “film PA’s coming home after being treated like sh*t and working 18 hr days at minimum wage.” The clip shows someone opening a door and immediately collapsing.
The TikTok has more than 140,000 views. Popular creator and PA Reece Feldman commented “WE NEED A UNION.” TikToker Marissa Meizz said, “the most degrading job I’ve ever had lmfaooo.”
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Videos from PAs and film sets have become very popular on TikTok, but they often only show the positive or fun side. Those who work behind the scenes have been more vocal about the reality: A Marvel VFX artist recently detailed how dire the pay and hours are, and music supervisors told the Wrap they need a union and often have to take on multiple jobs to survive. Pay for production assistants remains abysmal.
When one commenter asked Cubille if it’s “really that bad,” he replied, “do you like sleep?”
The Daily Dot reached out to Cubille for comment via email.