
‘I want to do this so bad’: Company makes staff take COVID test before retreat. Worker uses pen to fake a positive result (updated)

‘My work makes us write the date in ink on the test so no one can try to use a positive result later.’

Photo of Rebekah Harding

Rebekah Harding

fake covid test

A worker shows herself drawing a positive line on a COVID test to get out of a staff retreat in a now-viral TikTok, sparking discussion in the comments.

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In the video posted by TikToker Vanessa Chatterley (@vanessachatterley) on July 19, she shows herself drawing a blue line on an at-home COVID test. Text overlay on the clip reads, “When they make the entire office take a COVID test before attending a staff retreat.”


In a comment, Chatterley says, “oh god, didn’t expect this to go viral. if my boss sees this, i’ll be at the staff retreat today.”

The video has reached over 625,000 views as of July 27, with many commenters saying they would also fake a positive COVID test to get out of work events.

“My positive test from months ago is in a plastic baggy in my glove compartment just WAITING for a Saturday staff training…,” one user wrote.

“I wanna do this so bad for ours next week,” another said.


Other workers discussed how their companies have tried to combat employees getting out of staff events.

“Every office event I’ve just RSVP’d no. had HR meet with me to ask why. “I like spending my weekends with my dog, my partner or friends from my generation, not my colleagues I spend all week talking to already,” one commenter wrote.

“Lol my work makes us write the date in ink on the test so no one can try to use a positive result later,” another added.

Update: 2:47 CT, July 28, 2022: Chattertly spoke to the Daily Dot and shared that the video was a joke.


Chatterley said, “The entire thing was done in jest! I didn’t expect the video to get as much attention as it did, and I was worried people would think I was being callous or insensitive. Most of the comments were either folks sharing their own stories or absolutely obliterating me for not using the right color of marker. I did end up testing negative and attending the staff retreat, but I’m glad people could relate and share their own experiences.”