
This mom’s trip to Sesame Street is what pure joy looks like

Her daughter gave her the best surprise of all.

Photo of Alex Dalbey

Alex Dalbey

woman in big birds nest

Maddy Cunningham has certainly earned herself a nomination for Daughter of the Year after pulling off an incredibly sweet surprise for her mother. Cunningham recently took her mom to Sesame Street, and said on Twitter it was “the purest thing I’ve ever experienced.”

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Cunningham initially hid where they were going and waited to tell her mother until they were in the elevator up to the Sesame Street studios. She posted a Twitter thread full of videos and photos of the experience, starting with her mother breathlessly waiting in the elevator, hands over her face in excitement. (The Daily Dot reached out to Cunningham and will update this story if she responds.)


The tour started in the offices, where they took pictures in a Sesame Street Halloween photo booth.


After that, they went to the studios, and things really kicked off. “I honestly thought my mom might pass out from excitement,” Cunningham wrote on Twitter. They took photos in iconic spots like the front steps and door of 123 Sesame Street; Cunningham’s mother even got to sit in Big Bird’s nest. In almost all the footage, she looks full of disbelief and joy.


As if all that wasn’t amazing enough, then the muppets came to say hello. Cunningham caught on video the moment her mother turned around and realized Ernie was right behind her. After gasping and shyly waving hello, she got a great, big hug.


And the muppets kept coming. Cookie Monster and Herry Monster hugged her simultaneously, with Herry Monster saying, “Let’s make a monster sandwich.” Perhaps the most touching moment came when Rosita asked Cunningham’s mother if she was a teacher. She then gave Cunningham’s mother a hug and said, “Thank you for what you do. We love teachers.”


May this brand of pure joy bless us all.