Artistic political statements are often made loudly, or rather obnoxiously, like the naked, flabby Trump statues that popped up in various cities this summer. But Polish-American artist Olek’s latest piece it a little more subtle.
At first glance, the 16-by-46-foot billboard, which was unveiled alongside a New Jersey highway this weekend, looks like a fairly standard Hillary Clinton ad with her headshot and the #ImWithHer hashtag. The catch? The entire thing was crocheted.
Olek says that Clinton has also seen her fair share of prejudice, in the art world and otherwise, because she isn’t hip. “Hillary might not be cool, but she is qualified, experienced, and competent,” she said. “Yeah, I don’t want to hang out with her. I don’t want to drink beer with her. I don’t want to go dancing all night with her. But I want her to be our president.”