
Grieving woman whose husband died from COVID confronts anti-mask Karen

‘Well, your mother should be teaching you better!’

Photo of Kahron Spearman

Kahron Spearman


In a video trending on Reddit and TikTok, a widow goes off on a parent and child at a Five Below store for not wearing a mask. The woman reveals that she recently lost her husband, presumably due to the coronavirus.

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The video, which shows the altercation in progress, was posted on the popular r/PublicFreakout page and by @cecenewchapter on TikTok. The woman directs her rant toward a woman in line with her child.

“You freaking bitch. You self-absorbed piece of shit,” the widow yells. She appears to be accompanied by an older woman.


The little girl, who’s standing unmasked with her mother, says, “I’m just a kid.”

“Well, your mother should be teaching you better!” the woman yells back.

The little girl replies, “She does teach me well.”

The widow then informs them of her visceral pain: “And my son is without a father because you can’t wear a goddamn mask.”


The parent of the child incorrectly and callously replies, “People are still getting sick without wearing a mask.” The girl then turns to the camera, clearly bothered and confused by what just took place. 

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“She died inside,” user u/LittleHoss commented, referring to the child. “Hopefully, this memory will motivate her to be a better person than her mother.”

“First time she’s ‘met’ someone directly affected by COVID & she doesn’t know how to respond to it,” wrote u/menchekia. “Like, ‘wait, someone died because I didn’t wear a mask? But Mom said it wasn’t real.’”
