
Cards Against Humanity survey reveals Republican hypocrisy

Republicans think others are too easily offended while they are simultaneously offended by BLM.

Photo of Ana Valens

Ana Valens

Cards Against Humanity's Pulse of the Nation reveals Republicans have somewhat hypocritical views on political correctness.

Trump supporters have plenty of strong opinions on everything from the NFL to Starbucks. But it turns out Republicans who support Trump are more likely to have contradictory values, according to a new survey published by Cards Against Humanity.

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In collaboration with research firm Survey Sampling International, Cards Against Humanity’s ongoing survey captures how approximately 3,000 Americans feel about social issues, as part of a larger political activism initiative called “Cards Against Humanity Saves America.”

For December’s poll, Cards Against Humanity narrowed in on 800 random Republicans and asked them about everything from kneeling for the national flag to whether Jesus would support President Donald Trump. And the results are pretty telling.

For example, 93 percent of Republicans agree that people “should not be so easily offended” by things—but 70 percent also consider Black Lives Matter “offensive.” When you compare the data between respondents, 65 percent agree with both sentiments.


This also appears to be a Trump-centric phenomenon. Trump supporters are more likely to agree with both statements than Republicans who aren’t Team Trump.

“The Republicans who are offended by Black Lives Matter are the same Republicans who think people shouldn’t be so easily offended,” Cards Against Humanity points out. “Republicans who approve of Trump are more likely to suffer from this cognitive dissonance than Republicans who disapprove of Trump.”

74 percent of Republicans also believe people should “be free to express their political opinions in the workplace,” unless that workplace is the NFL, in which over 80 percent think athletes shouldn’t be able to kneel or sit during the national anthem. Once again, over half of all Republicans agree with both statements, with Trump supporters more likely than Republicans to espouse both beliefs.


Oh, and if Jesus was alive today, 61 percent believe he would support President Trump. Around 22 percent refused to answer, and 17 percent said “no,” suggesting that a sizable part of the Republican Party has figured out there’s something fishy going on between their beliefs and reality.

Check out the full survey results from Cards Against Humanity here, along with the team’s backlog from previous months.