Tens of thousands of people in hundreds of cities took to the streets of America on Saturday, participating in the Families Belong Together protests that are shining a light on Donald Trump’s immigration policies that caused children to be separated from their parents at the borders.
About 30,000 people protested in Washington, according to Vox, and there were reportedly similar protests and marches in about 700 other cities throughout the country.
Here are some of the best photos we saw from the protests.

Listen to the children.
— ACLU (@ACLU) June 30, 2018#FamiliesBelongTogether pic.twitter.com/M3Q6lGQiWi
Thousands of signs, thousands of voices… do you hear us @realDonaldTrump? You will in November. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #VoteThemOut pic.twitter.com/hl6FMZLko9
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) June 30, 2018
Chicago, Daley Center, right now.#FamiliesBelongTogether pic.twitter.com/Cn7ANvNigR
— Alan Neff (@AlanNeff) June 30, 2018
Downtown Ashville is making a stance #FamiliesBelongTogether pic.twitter.com/CwPmcD9FPj
— Deanna (@Secila) June 30, 2018
This will never stop being my favorite sign. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch pic.twitter.com/PSH562zcRk
— #StopCopCity (@ChuckModi1) June 30, 2018
About 100 years ago, my ancestors, refugees seeking asylum, put down roots just a few blocks from this spot. I’m marching today to make sure others can do the same. #FamiliesBelongTogether pic.twitter.com/Ye1VqgYVh1
— Secretary of the Dead (@EfremOshinsky) June 30, 2018
We keep asking. #FamiliesBelongTogether pic.twitter.com/co8IeaG0e8
— Catholic Democrats (@CatholicDems) June 30, 2018
And here’s Lin-Manuel Miranda making his presence known.
Lin-Manuel Miranda is singing a lullaby for children separated from their parents pic.twitter.com/csctFNjR5T
— Meg Wagner (@megwagner) June 30, 2018
While Trump administration officials make tasteless jokes about the separated families, a federal judge ruled last week that Trump has 30 days to reunite the parents with their children.