A female Amazon warehouse worker called out the casual sexism and sexual harassment she experiences at work in a viral TikTok.
@kingslayerray is an Amazon warehouse worker and TikToker who said that she experiences slut-shaming for working in an Amazon warehouse. Her viral video, which got 67,800 views and 5,119 likes since posting Feb. 10, sparked a series of sexist comments.
A text overlay narrates the video, which is apparently shot while she is working in an Amazon warehouse.
“Y’all talk about how girls who work at Amazon being unfaithful and for the streets,” reads the text. “But don’t talk about how the guys who are in relationships be staring at every girl who walks by like dogs.”
Her anti-sexual harassment PSA is underscored by Akon song, “Sexy Bitch.”
She zooms in on her face when the beat drops to the famous lyrics, “I’m trying to find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful.”
This video is one of a string of viral TikToks posted by female Amazon warehouse workers complaining about regular sexual harassment and sexism at their workplace. One Amazon worker said she purposefully dresses down at work to avoid sexual harassment (but still gets harassed). Another Amazon packer filmed a male colleague coming up to her and asking for her number.
These are just the latest in multiple reported sexual harassment allegations involving Amazon warehouse workers and management. According to a case posted in Red Bank Legal, “Amazon had actual knowledge of severe and pervasive sexual harassment of two of its female employees by the same male employee, who was an Amazon Learning Ambassador,” involving comments about masturbation, buttock-biting, and sexual penetration.
“When this alleged misconduct was brought to Amazon, its female HR manager dismissively responded that she was too busy during Amazon Prime Week to address the issue,” says the complaint file.
@kingslayerray also clarified her point further in a comment: “Everyone looks. I LOOK. but to dog someone excessively is disrespectful especially while in a relationship. A lot of dudes do full 360s to look.”
Unfortunately, many of the 163 comments reveal deep misogyny.
“If it’s a fat ass ima stare idc,” says @ggg.gggy.
“Because y’all be opening it up like nothing don’t be disposable lmao,” says @tds437.
“A key that unlocks many locks is a excellent key a lock that opens to every keys is a used lock js,” says @luis.2277.
Some commenters came to @kingslayerray’s defense.
“She simply asking not to be perused while she’s doing her goddamn job. Men are gross. If anything you’re the punchline of your own sick joke,” says @etherealegirl.
Others said they had similar experiences working at Amazon.
“HATED every man I worked with at Amazon. I will never be going back. My man was there with me and they still tried sh!t,” says @celestialinquiry.
The Daily Dot reached out to @kingslayerray and Amazon for comment via TikTok message and email.