
8 other ACLU-like organizations that need your help

Spread the wealth.

Photo of Jaya Saxena

Jaya Saxena

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Over the weekend, the American Civil Liberties Union received over $24 million in donations, largely in reaction to challenging the constitutionality of Donald Trump’s executive order banning refugees and legal residents from seven Muslim countries. The ACLU filed a lawsuit, along with other organizations, against Trump over the order, and a federal judge granted the ACLU’s request for a temporary injunction against the ban.

The ACLU averages $3–4 million a year in donations, so the surge of donations over the weekend will mean the organization will have incredible resources to keep pursuing its goals. However, while it’s great to donate to a well-known organization like the ACLU, there are smaller charities and nonprofits doing immediate work in the community that could use your help, too. If you’re concerned about the well-being of Muslims, refugees, racial justice, or any of the things threatened by Trump’s executive order, here are some organizations that need funding.


The Center for American-Islamic Relations also brought a lawsuit on Trump’s immigration ban, arguing that it’s unconstitutional, and its regional offices have organized rallies, fought to protect civil liberties, and have advocated and provided legal help to Muslims who have experienced discrimination.

Friends of Refugees

This organization is centered in Clarkston, Georgia, one of the main settlement points for refugees from all around the world. Friends of Refugees helps refugees in this area with employment opportunities, education, child care, and other services to help them build new lives and communities in America.

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

The ADC is a civil rights organization founded by former Sen. James Abourezk (D-S.D.) to protect the rights of Americans of Arab descent. Initiatives include fighting against surveillance of mosques and racial profiling, and the ADC Research Institute, which “train[s] Arab Americans in the exercise of their constitutional rights as citizens.” It recently provided a toolkit about Trump’s executive orders and is offering legal help to those affected.

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National Partnership for New Americans

NPNA provides services like voter registration, DACA application help, and literacy programs to immigrants, as well as advocates for immigration policy. It also partners with other local organizations to fight for immigrant and refugee rights.

Black Alliance for Just Immigration

BAJI focuses their actions on African-American and black immigrant communities “to organize and advocate for racial, social, and economic justice.” That includes providing job training, advocation for just immigration policies, and fighting against structural racism. 

“The Black Alliance for Just Immigration is committed to preparing Black communities to defend against these harmful policies, to building power amongst Black immigrant organizations nationwide, and to working with our partners to fight back against this administration’s racist and xenophobic agenda,” said Tia Oso, national organizer for the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, in a press release.


HIAS was founded in 1881 to help Jews fleeing the Russian pogroms, and since the early 2000s expanded its work to help refugees of all faiths. It provides legal protections, mental health care, and vocational training to refugees, and has been encouraging members to write to Trump, saying: “We are proud to stand with over 1,700 American rabbis who call on you to keep America’s doors open to refugees.”

International Rescue Committee

IRC is making an emergency appeal to “cover anticipated funding gaps tied to the Trump Administration’s executive order banning all refugee arrivals for 120 days, and Syrian refugees indefinitely.” The organization supports both refugees resettling in America and those in conflict zones around the world. In 2015, it helped resettle 9,961 refugees.

Showing Up for Racial Justice

SURJ’s goal is to organize white people to fight for racial justice and civil rights, using the platform white privilege affords to advocate for the marginalized. “We are showing up to take our responsibility as white people to act collectively and publicly to challenge the manipulation of racist fear by the ruling class and corporate elite,” it writes. 

It provides organizational training, toolkits for specific actions, and resources for how white people can fight for racial justice without centering themselves or speaking over people of color.

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