
Henri the Existential Cat does not care for Halloween

Henri finds the whole spectacle of All Hallows’ Eve quite banal. 

Photo of Fidel Martinez

Fidel Martinez

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You can now add Halloween to the long list of things Henri the Black Cat doesn’t care for.

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The disaffected YouTube celebrity comes back from his month-long hiatus to star in a new video uploaded today and entitled “L’Haunting,” the subject of which, appropriately enough, is Halloween.

Like all his previous videos, Henri drops some philosophical truth bombs that would make the syphilitic Nietzsche smile.

“Celebration and ceremony are fool’s errands. Banal symbols, meaningless decorations, white idiots, fraudulent food, even tributes to lost friends. It is all pointless,” Henrie notes in français, the true language of ennui and existential dread. “Only an idiot would surrender his dignity to this folly.”


The nihilistic chat noir isn’t entirely dismissive of the holiday. If you don’t have a Halloween costume yet, fear not. Henri has a suggestion for what’s truly the most frightening outfit of them all: crippling self-doubt.

Photo via HenriLeChatNoir/YouTube

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