Downton Abbey, the posh British television show that’s become a surprising hit in America, is so ridiculously ripe for parodies. First the Daily Dot saw Downton Abbeyonce, a Tumblr that mixes scenes from the series with Beyonce lyrics, but your Tumblr feed needs more.
Here are three other Tumblrs that fabulously mock the high-brow show.
Arrested Downton
This was bound to be a thing on the Internet: two cult favorite television shows in one Tumblr. As you might have guessed from the title, this one adds quotes from Arrested Development onto scenes from Downton. A lot of the absurd lines from Arrested fit perfectly, and we totally see a Lindsay and Lucille dynamic between Violet and Cora.

Downton A-Train
Similar to mingling with the maids, you wouldn’t dare catch any of the Crawleys taking the subway (that’s why there is Uber, duh) but in this alternative universe, it’s fun to imagine. This Tumblr sloppily—in a good way—cuts out Downton characters and strategically places them on the New York City subway with clever captions. If Lady Sybil is the smart one, she should know about the Bleeker St. entrance for the uptown (upton?) 6 train.

The Lamps of Downton Abbey
Electricity was a novelty during the early 1900s, and this Tumblr wonderfully points out the inane amount of lamps Downton has. Lamps are so aristocratic and so foreign during this time, we love that there is a watch dog out there pointing out the excessiveness.