Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day’s must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.
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- Report: The FTC is ill-equipped to police online privacy violations.
- Facebook is replacing its clunky, error-prone iPhone app with a new one that’s optimized for speed and photo viewing.
- The U.K. is considering a measure that would block access to online pornography unless users opt in.
- Slacktory.com trolls the Internet with a hilarious, fake list of Tumblr slang terms.
- Movie websites unchanged since the ‘90s are the Internet’s time capsules.
- A single-serving site called areweinthefutureyet.com confirms that today’s date is “the future” from the original Back to the Future.
Above: YouTuber TeddieFilms asks George Lucas, “What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know?” in the best Gotye parody yet.