
The most horrifying flavored snacks you can spend your money on

Just because you can eat them doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

Photo of Colette Bennett

Colette Bennett

Photo of Marisa Losciale

Marisa Losciale

weirdest snacks

The world of junk food is, at the very least, a varied one. In the race to keep up with people’s minuscule attention spans, brands have to come up with more and more innovative ways to market. And by innovative, we mean wild, as these snacks all prove.

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Of course, this handy guide will show you how to buy all these foods, because we know some of you have an insatiable sense of curiosity (and/or a death wish). If you do, we wish you and your inevitable stomachache well. (And if you’re the preventative type, Tums can be purchased right here).

Weirdest snacks on Amazon

1) Strawberry Cheesecake Oreos


Ok, I see where they were *trying* to go with this, but I’m pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say I rather eat a piece of strawberry cheesecake (maybe with Oreo sprinkles?). 

Price: $3.85 

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2) Crisp Apple Pop Tarts


No. Gross. These two things have never been meant to know one another.

Price: $11.73

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3) Lay’s Ketchup chips


People love to add ketchup to things, but the line must be drawn somewhere. It’s great on french fries and tater tots, add it to your eggs, whatever you like. But for the love of all things sacred, please keep it off potato chips. “But a potato chip is a brother to a french fry,” you say. We don’t care. It’s still bad.

Price: $9.80

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4) Vegan Rob’s Asparagus Chips


Before we even get into the multitude of things wrong with asparagus-flavored potato chips, we need to point out that Vegan Rob sounds like the kind of guy you try to avoid at Whole Foods while he tries to sell you organic kale smoothies. Sorry not sorry, Vegan Rob. And asparagus are delicious roasted with butter and freshly ground pepper. On a potato chip, not only does that not sound unappealing, but we’d rather just eat actual asparagus.

Price: $39.90+ for a multipack 

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5) Vegan Rob’s Spinach and Matcha chips


Yes, Vegan Rob’s chips are on this list twice because there were multiple offerings so terrifying we had to include them. One thing is clear: Vegan Rob is out to crush the souls of snack lovers everywhere.

Price: 35.76+ for a multipack

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6) Sloppy Joe Pringles


NO, Pringles. NO. BAD.

Price: $9.99+

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7) Prawn Cocktail Pringles


Hey, Pringles, are you guys ok?

Price: $8.32

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8) Walker’s Worcestershire Sauce chips


The UK is full of absolutely wonderful things. This is not one of them.

Price: $5.05

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9) Pumpkin Spice Marshmallows


I blame Starbucks for this one–ugh. 

Price: $4.20

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10) Ruffles Mozzarella and Marinara flavored chips


Ettore Boiardi is rolling over in his grave because of these. 

Price: $2.50

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11) Banana flavored Twinkies


Of course these are branded with Minions. 

Price: $10.48

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12) Pizza flavored peanuts


Sounds like a good way to get heartburn!

Price: $9.99

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