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4 helpful tips to make filing taxes less stressful

Don’t lose your head when getting that sweet refund.

Photo of Jaime Carrillo

Jaime Carrillo

tax season

Presented by H&R Block

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Reminder: Tax day is April 17. Click here to file your taxes for free, before time runs out!

There’s nothing greater than when Uncle Sam sends you a fat refund check in the mail. Actually hunkering down to file your taxes is a whole other story. Staring at numbers, itemized deductions and more forms than the DMV could make even veteran number crunchers dizzy.

Luckily for you, H&R Block is making tax filing much more manageable and more importantly, easier.


1) Be a total cheapskate

If you’re a new filer or expect a simple tax return, there’s no need to drop serious coin to maximize your deductions. With H&R Block More Zero, you can file your taxes totally free. This covers that sweet earned income tax credit, your student loan interest and comes with complimentary technical support. Plus, For a limited time, H&R Block offers free federal, free state, and free itemized deductions. You can’t get that from the other guys!

2) Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Making sure everything on your tax forms is correct can be mind numbing. Not to mention, there’s nothing scarier this side of Halloween than an IRS audit. Sometimes, going it alone just isn’t worth it. Tax Pro Review can fix that.


After filling out all your tax forms, a certified tax pro will overlook your returns to ensure everything is 100% accurate. Their evaluation will guarantee that you get the maximum possible refund. Best of all, you won’t have to step into an office to take advantage of this awesome service.

3) Take advantage of the tech

Paperwork is so 2017.

If you’re not filing your taxes online, you might as well be churning your own butter and getting into town on a horse and buggy. Not only does it make the process easier, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Slip into some jammies, make yourself a skinny latte and get to filing!


If you file online with H&R Block with More Zero, you can upload your W-2 directly into their system. In minutes, it will fill out every single box for you, making the tax filing session even easier than previously possible. Drag & drop your PDF or simply take a picture of your W-2 on your phone and upload it in seconds.

4) The sooner you file, the sooner you get your refund

Filing your taxes is like ripping off a bandage. Do it quick and save yourself the pain. Plus, if you file now, there’s a good chance you’ll get that sweet refund in a couple of weeks. Surely, you’re already drooling with anticipation over what you’re going to spend it on.

Plus, no matter what H&R Block service you use for your situation, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with their army of tax pros. Before sending off your taxes to the IRS, H&R Block irons out every piece of info to ensure the largest possible refund.


H&R Block tax experts have at least a decade of experience on average. Best of all, they’re backed by everyone’s favorite Jeopardy champion, IBM Watson. You get all that plus high end data security and fantastic technical support by phone or chat.

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