Quit washing your dishes with funky sponges thanks to this handy sink caddy

Adulting at its best.

Photo of Marisa Losciale

Marisa Losciale

sponge holder

If you’re sick of coming home to your new sponge sitting in the kitchen sink, get this sponge holder.

The Umbra sling sink caddy was made for people who place cleanliness at the top of their pyramid. The sponge holder keeps your kitchen organized, while keeping your sponge from soaking up all nasty grime.

Real talk though, for those of you unaware: leaving your sponge in the sink allows it to grow mold. While you let it bathe in your sink, it doesn’t have the opportunity to dry, creating the perfect combination for a bacteria feeding ground. So in short, you end up washing dishes with an unknowingly disgusting sponge.

sponge holder
Photo via Amazon

Luckily, this sponge holder allows your sponge or scrub brush to properly dry. This way it’s harder for mold and bacteria to thrive, leaving you with a fresh-smelling sponge every time. Plus, the sink caddy is just $7.62+ through Amazon. That’s definitely worth the price of never having to worry that you’re smearing bacteria all over your dishes.

Buy it here


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