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Enter to win an iPhone X for absolutely free

Why spend $1,000 when you could spend $0?

Photo of The Daily Dot Bazaar

The Daily Dot Bazaar

iPhone X

The iPhone X is here and it’s so good that Apple skipped past 9 to get there. Instead of dishing out a grand like your friends, you can enter the iPhone X Giveaway. Maybe you’ll grab one of these suckers for free.

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The most advanced and powerful iPhone thus far, the X model carries a hefty price tag. There’s a reason for that, though. Its crazy high-resolution screen stretches the full length of the phone. Which means that home button is gone forever.

With that streamlined design, you gain the ability to simulate professional studio lighting and take better pictures than ever before. The 12MP wide-angle and telephoto cameras with portrait mode are Apple’s most powerful offerings yet. You even unlock the phone with face recognition technology.

If you’re sick of that one friend who’s been showing off their brand new iPhone X all weekend, here’s your chance to win one for free. Enter The iPhone X Giveaway through the Daily Dot store and you may just be able to see what all the fuss is about for yourself.


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