Dot Recs

This multipurpose storage device will change the way you think about flash drives

Transfer your data effortlessly.

Photo of The Daily Dot Bazaar

The Daily Dot Bazaar

iKlips miReader

Flash drives seem archaic now that cloud storage exists. That said, the iKlips miReader 4K is actually one of the few that still seems relevant.

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This handy little device is a card reader and storage device in one. It combines a Lightning connector, a micro USB and a microSD slot to share files between Mac, Windows, and cloud drives. It works across a multitude of devices too: GoPros, micro drones and DSLR cameras alike. Just plug it in and you can transfer data seamlessly to your iPhone or iPad Pro.

Running low on memory on your iPhone? Use the miReader to record 4K video directly to the drive and bypass your precious phone data.


Record life without worrying about size limitations. Get the iKlips miReader 4K for $46.99 from the Daily Dot Store, reduced from $59.


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