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Become a data entry wizard with this $12 Excel course

Conquer your fears and learn how to automate everything in Excel.

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The Daily Dot Bazaar

excel vba course

Do you have hours of daunting data entry in front of you? Shave off time and energy from the tedious task using this Excel VBA course.

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By mastering VBA, Excel’s scripting language, you can learn how to automate complex tasks with a little bit of programming to simplify your workload and save you tons of time. EDUmobile Academy’s Become an Excel VBA Expert course will teach beginners how to crunch complicated numbers with just the push of a button.

You’ll receive lifetime access to 10 lectures and one hour of content that will help even the freshest newbies automate tasks in Excel. You’ll also learn how to record action sequences into macros and run recorded macros; discover strings, booleans, if-statements, and loops; use ranges and worksheets to manipulate data from code; and convert a list of phone numbers into a standard format. No prior programming knowledge is necessary, just a desire to simplify your work and life.

Save time and energy on all data entry chores. Gain access to the Excel VBA course on the Daily Dot Store for $12 (regularly $99).


Buy it here


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