
You can now fact-check Trump’s tweets—on Twitter

It’s time to check yourself, Trump.

Photo of Dahlia Dandashi

Dahlia Dandashi

Donald Trump Twitter bird

Whether purposefully, accidentally, or all for show, Donald Trump has made false claims and inaccurate statements. Now, his tweets can be fact-checked, given further context, and corrected thanks to RealDonaldContext: a new, state-of-the-art extension catered to the president-elect himself.

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The Washington Post‘s Fix team has partnered with Google Chrome to forge a built-in fact-checker and clarification tool for all those skeptical of Trump’s tweets. The plug-in is still a work in progress, and creators have stated that they will try to stay on top of his Twitter feed for fast results. 

If you have the extension installed on your browser, you can see whatever post the team may find questionable or inaccurate further researched, defined, and clarified thanks to an added gray box.


Since Trump already has a beef with the Post, banning the newspaper from covering his campaign in the past, he may not be happy about this.

You can download the extension and see Trump’s accuracy here

H/T Washington Post

The Daily Dot