
People are flooding Trump’s voter fraud hotline with prank calls

Pranksters are reporting evidence of the Hamburglar stealing votes.

Photo of Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Trump voter fraud hotline prank calls

Determined to find evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, the GOP set up a hotline for people to report eyewitness accounts of nefarious activity at the polls. Unfortunately for the Trump campaign, the wrong people are calling.

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In the midst of celebrations for Biden’s win this weekend, people swamped the voter fraud hotline with hilarious prank calls.

President Donald Trump has long been obsessed with the idea of voter fraud, slinging baseless accusations about the Democrats attempting to steal the election in both 2016 and 2020. Of course, there’s no actual evidence of widespread voter fraud in the United States. You’re more likely to hear about hoaxes and fictional conspiracy theories like SharpieGate, where conservatives spread rumors of a (nonexistent) leftist plot to plant the wrong kind of pens in GOP precinct voting booths, thus invalidating their ballots. These conspiracy theories are so elaborate and bizarre that they’re prime targets for mockery, so the GOP’s voter fraud hotline was a disaster waiting to happen.

Twitter and TikTok are now full of clips of people reporting fake voter fraud evidence. Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch was among them, calling in to deliver a very serious report of the Hamburglar stealing votes:


Meanwhile, TikToker @cheesecaseacita took the less sophisticated route of reporting people smearing poop on their ballots:

The trick is to keep the hotline workers on the phone long enough that they think it’s a real call before dropping the (usually absurd) punchline. Eric Trump already tweeted to accuse the DNC (the actual DNC!) of orchestrating these prank calls, which seems unlikely given the volume of people calling to report fraud from, say, Seymour Butts or Peepee Poopoo.


So far, there haven’t been any reliable reports of widespread voter fraud during the 2020 election. Votes are still being counted in locations across the U.S., but several publications have already confirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, following his projected win in Pennsylvania. President Trump still refuses to concede the election, despite other GOP leaders accepting the result.

The Daily Dot