
Here’s how many times Trump has promised something would happen ‘soon’

The numbers don’t lie.

Photo of Andrew Wyrich

Andrew Wyrich

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump is known to promise big things, and in the heat of the moment, he tends to promise those things will come “soon,” “very soon,” or “immediately.”

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Despite being president with both houses of Congress behind him, the president’s promises have yet to come to fruition, including repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, building a wall along the border with Mexico, and other core ideas he campaigned on.

While everyone who has watched Trump during his campaign and first few months in office may know this anecdotally, the New York Times dug in and found just how often Trump makes promises for things that have never happened.

According to the TimesTrump said the Affordable Care Act would be repealed and replaced “soon” or “very soon” a lot. In fact, Trump indicated that one of his signature campaign promises would be happening in short order at least 20 times. Republicans last-ditch effort to kill “Obamacare” failed earlier this week


Meanwhile, Trump spoke of his border wall being built “soon” or “eventually” nine times over the last eight months.

Another key campaign promise, infrastructure funding, will be coming “relatively soon” he said seven months ago, adding that it was coming “very soon” only a month ago.

Other things the president has promised will happen “soon” include: him having more than 50 million social media followers, the New York Times shifting to an online-only format, the United States being stronger than its ever been, and the country coming together and being united.

You can read all of the New York Times analysis on Trump’s promises of what’s coming soon here.

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