Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren came for Michelle Obama in a tweet on Monday, telling the former first lady to “sit down” for saying her husband was a “great” president.
Michelle Obama said we “had” a great president. By what measure? Not in economic growth. Not in border enforcement. Not in strength on the world stage. Sit down, Michelle.
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) September 24, 2018
“Michelle Obama said we ‘had’ a great president. By what measure? Not in economic growth. Not in border enforcement. Not in strength on the world stage. Sit down, Michelle,” Lahren wrote to her more than 1 million followers.
People on Twitter responded to Lahren’s tweet with memes and infographics.
— ⚡️✨Antonio✨⚡️ (@antoniodjtone) September 24, 2018
I’m issuing you a challenge. A dare is more like it.
I’m DOUBLE DARING you to say something ‘factually negative’ about Trump and that ratchet torn up GOP party. Followed by something ‘factually positive’ about Obama.
Can’t or won’t do it? Which is it?!
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) September 24, 2018
— Child of Hip-hop (@Hiphopalumni76) September 24, 2018
— Igna (@ignadactyl) September 24, 2018
Of course, some were applauding Lahren’s tweet.
But others commented that Obama is too busy to be concerned with anything Lahren has to say.
A couple of things. “Sit down” is a distinctly black thing to say (your little trolls can go google its origins) so you’re appropriating black culture to insult a black woman. Secondly, you would hope to be a 100th of the woman Michelle Obama is in 100 years. Sit YOUR ass down.
— SUCH (@Such) September 24, 2018
Michelle Obama can’t sit down, she’s about to do a TOUR OF STADIUMS to launch her book. While your FoxNews President can barely fill a high school sports hall, so many Americans want to pay to see and hear @MichelleObama that she’s being booked into STADIUMS.
— ED Day – After The Pandemic (@Pandemic_Times) September 24, 2018
Obama was at a rally in Las Vegas on Sunday for her nonprofit organization When We All Vote, CBS reports. She urged Nevada residents to register to vote in the upcoming November elections.
During her speech, Obama said she was also frustrated by the “nastiness of our politics.” But she added that it’s important to show up to the polls and to register to vote.
“If we want qualified people that we trust, then people have to vote,” Obama said, according to the Hill. “Because you can’t vote some of the time and then sit out.”
H/T the Hill