Dirty Delete is a weekly column that goes deep into the social media history of politicians that runs on Thursdays in the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter. If you want to get this column a day before we publish it, subscribe to web_crawlr, where you’ll get the daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.
Steven Crowder thinks it’s hilarious to bully strangers on the internet.
The right-wing “comedian” is best known for debating people half his age in a gag he calls “change my mind.” Crowder genuinely relishes a fight. Reviewing his online history is like surveying a list of his victims.
Sometimes he goes after other famous people like Greta Thunberg, but Crowder really loves punching down.
His targets include fat people, gay people, trans people, women, Muslims, minorities, drag queens, colleagues, and his (now estranged) wife. This is not an exhaustive list.
Crowder is a famous white male millionaire whose public persona is that of a man with a hole inside that no amount of money or fame or admiration will fill. He’s so filled with hate and self-loathing that you almost feel sorry for him.
It’s hard to pity someone who accused his heavily pregnant wife of being “abusive and cruel” for wanting to run errands and not performing her “wifely duties” to his liking.
The fact that he’d complained on Twitter two weeks earlier that the twins were “keeping us on our toes” only made the videoed exchange more damning.
It’s usually sad when people self-sabotage, but most of us grabbed popcorn and whispered “let them fight” when he went scorched earth on the Daily Wire for daring to offer him a $50 million contract.
People had a similar reaction when Crowder accused fellow pundit Candace Owens of “extortion” for vaguely alluding to his divorce.
When he isn’t suspended for bullying or harassment, you can find Crowder on YouTube, Twitter, Rumble, Facebook, Instagram, Truth Social, Gettr, and possibly even Pinterest.
Dirtiest Delete
In April 2021, Crowder nuked his tweets—save for one bizarre tweet from 2011 about shooting “your sleeping uncle in the nostril.” He claimed it was the only way he could keep his account.
Archives and screenshots remain, however.
Honestly, it’s hard to pick the worst post. The one where he said all feminist rape victims are unattractive? When he likened people on public assistance to zoo animals? When he polled people for their favorite “Asian stereotype”?
These are all contenders, but the most hideous gem is definitely that time he (hopefully) unintentionally insinuated he wanted to fuck his mom.