
Dirty Delete: Steve Bannon is a top source of misinformation

His timeline sometimes feels like a time machine back to his days at Trump’s side. It’s all ‘Obama’ this and ‘deep state’ that.

Photo of Claire Goforth

Claire Goforth

Steve Bannon speaking in front of dark blue background

Dirty Delete is a weekly column that goes deep into the social media history of politicians that runs on Thursdays in the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter. If you want to get this column a day before we publish it, subscribe to web_crawlr, where you’ll get the daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

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Not so many years ago, few outside the upside-down of far-right media had ever heard of Steve Bannon, the co-founder of Breitbart. That changed when Bannon joined former President Donald Trump’s administration, to the thrill of racists everywhere.

His political genius—if you can call it that—is summed up by his most famous line: “flood the zone with shit.”


This mantra permeates Bannon’s online presence. It’s an endless stream of content designed to confuse, anger, and misinform.

The sheer volume of the content would be impressive if he wasn’t spreading lies and sowing division. Earlier this year, a report found that his podcast is a top source of misinformation.

He posts disinformation created by a Russian propaganda network, election fraud lies, and endless garbage.

Bannon is so committed to far-right extremism that he framed a Michigan town being torn about by political divisions as a good thing. “MAGA’s Precinct Strategy @ Work,” Bannon chirped on Gettr, one of the few platforms that will have him.


His timeline sometimes feels like a time machine back to his days at Trump’s side. It’s all “Obama” this and “deep state” that.

Bannon might be losing his political touch, however. (He still has a knack for getting arrested.)

He’s repeatedly suggested that Trump should pick anti-vax automaton Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his running mate. Because it makes a load of sense for the man who pushed to create the vaccine as quickly as possible would run with one of its biggest critics.

Surprisingly, Elon Musk hasn’t resurrected Bannon’s War Room Pandemic account, which was permanently suspended after he called for beheading Dr. Anthony Fauci. Maybe he should ask Angy Ngô or Catturd for an assist, since both seem to have a direct line to Musk.


You can find Bannon on Gettr, Rumble, and Instagram.

Dirtiest Delete

Bannon has definitely deleted posts—hell, he has a whole Twitter account that was nuked. But if there is one thing he wishes he could take back, it’s the stuff he said to Michael Wolff for the book, Fire and Fury.

In addition to suggesting Trump ran a criminal enterprise, Wolff quoted Bannon saying of the infamous meeting in Trump Tower, “Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”


“They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV.”

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