The entire U.S. is facing a massive heatwave, with soaring temperatures hitting just about every state in the lower 48.
In Hoover, Alabama, the high hit 92. When temperatures rise, power grids and air-conditioning units get strained, as people use up massive amounts of energy and run their equipment non-stop. That can lead to failures and outages. As unfortunate as it may be, it’s a logical outcome.
That is, it’s logical unless you are attending the QAnon-adjacent movie Sound of Freedom, which claims to expose human trafficking but has also been beset by conspiracies.
A couple in Alabama on TikTok claimed that during their screening yesterday, the air conditioning wasn’t on.
Was it the result of high temps across the land and faulty equipment?
Or it is a plot by the deep state, which doesn’t want you to see this movie and fears Jim Cavaziel, the lead actor and QAnon-worshipping celebrity, has actually outed the pedophile cabal?
@savannahlathem Go watch Sound of Freedom NOW! #soundoffree #soundoffreedommovie #christian #faith ♬ original sound – Savannah Lathem
“All right AMC I don’t know what’s going on here, but first off, the AC was out, like when we went to watch the movie,” @savannahlathem’s fiancé said in the video. “As soon as we walked into the theater, it was hot as heck.”
He added he’d seen a post about another AMC patron who experienced an air conditioning outage when they attended the movie.
“I literally brought a sweatshirt, and I was sweating,” Savannah said.
But that wasn’t the only issue.
“And then it took us a while to realize, but they didn’t turn the lights off … They kept the lights on the entire movie … they were trying to make it not enjoyable,” her financé said.
The two concluded, though, that people should “go watch Sound of Freedom in theaters, right now.”
Several days earlier, another TikToker said the theater canceled their tickets because the air conditioning in the theater was broken.
“There was air conditioning in the lobby, in the hallway, in the bathrooms. Not the theaters? I smell something stinky,” the TikToker said, claiming their tickets were refunded but that the email notifying them didn’t mention the air conditioning.
That TikToker was in Pineville, North Carolina. On the day she went to see Sound of Freedom, the high was 94 degrees.
Despite just two viral complaints, the CEO of AMC tweeted a response calling the accusations conspiracy theories and bemoaning how prevalent they’d become.
“More than ONE MILLION people have watched Sound of Freedom at AMC Theatres,” Adam Aron wrote. “More than at any other theatre chain on the planet. Yet people falsely claim otherwise. It is so bizarre.”
Or is it?