A Congressional intern has sparked debate about a decades-old U.S. Senate train in a recent TikTok.
The TikTok, posted by Khya Nelson (@kuwkhya)—an intern for the Congressional Black Caucus, according to her LinkedIn—has 128,000 views and over 20,000 likes.
In the video, the TikToker shows her trip on a train from the Senate wing of the U.S. Capitol Building to eat lunch.
“Another secret train lol, the Senate is so much nicer!” the caption reads.
The train, originally erected in 1909 to connect the Capitol to the Russell Senate Office Building, caught commenters off guard.
“Oh I found my taxes,” one commenter wrote.
“U.S senate dabbing into the military budget.. this seems like a lot,” another wrote.
The Capitol train system has undergone a series of renovations since it was created, most recently in 1993 when automatic cars replaced crewed cars on the Senate line. The Senate train has two lines: one that runs between the Capitol and the Russell Building and one connecting the Capitol to the Hart Senate Office Building and the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
Other TikTokers shared their personal stories with the train in the comments.
“I once rode the train back Russell Office Building after a joint session, and watched the doors close in Ted Cruz face,” one commenter said. “Funniest moment ever.”
“Aww! I used to love this when I interned at the capitol!” wrote another.
The Daily Dot reached out to Nelson via Instagram direct message.