A video of one of the more famous Capitol insurrectionists, the horn-wearing QAnon Shaman Jake Angeli, shows him harassing people getting COVID-19 tests over the summer.
Yes, it’s the same one found standing on the House chamber dais, having resurfaced on Twitter after he stormed the Capitol.
The video was posted back in July by Fifty Shades of Whey (davenewworld_2). Once Angeli reappeared in the public eye, people sought to identify him and found him in previous videos.
In one, Angeli is in Arizona in front of a queue for a drive-thru COVID-19 testing site, spewing disinformation about the virus.
“This is crazy, you guys,” Angeli says. “The amount of people that believe this bullshit is insane. It just goes to show the mockingbird media and the way it uses fear to compartmentalize, to propagandize, and divide and conquer our country.”
Then, he goes on to yell out complete untruths.
“The second wave (of COVID-19 surging) is bullshit,” he starts. “The virus cannot survive Arizona’s heat. This is a scientific fact. The corrupt media is lying to you. Your corrupt government is fucking lying to you. COVID-1984 is a globalist propaganda hoax.
“Wake the fuck up, America! You are giving away your unalienable rights.”
Toward the end, like Scottish warrior William Wallace from 1995’s Braveheart, Angeli repeatedly screams “Freedom.”
Firstly, what Angeli is spewing is straightforward QAnon foolishness that no longer deserves an explanation.
Secondly, the idea of heat (or cold) impacting COVID-19 surges is untrue. Per a Science Daily article from November, citing weather-based analysis: “Research led by the University of Texas at Austin is adding some clarity on weather’s role in COVID-19 infection, with a new study finding that temperature and humidity do not play a significant role in coronavirus spread. That means whether it’s hot or cold outside, the transmission of COVID-19 from one person to the next depends almost entirely on human behavior.”
But given his antics this week, who could be surprised to see Jake Angeli spouting such nonsense?