Far-right InfoWars personality Paul Joseph Watson wants you to know that he’s very masculine and has no plans to be seen in public wearing a mask. And if you do, you’re signaling to the world you’re some kind of gay. In his mind, that is.
Watson said that if you’re wearing a mask during the coronavirus pandemic—which have been shown to reduce transmission—”you have been fucked in the ass by your girlfriend.”
“Basically, if you’re a man who wears a mask, you’re broadcasting the fact that you have been fucked in the ass by your girlfriend. And that is not something to be proud of,” Watson tweeted on Wednesday morning.

Online, the asinine statement was roasted.
Many right-wing personalities and avid supporters of President Donald Trump have an ever-present phobia of being emasculated by anal penetration, assuming the behavior implies homosexuality. Oftentimes, they attempt to portray their opposition as into the act, like with Watson’s tweet.
Watson’s tweet is additionaly ironic given that his employer, InfoWars, actually has been selling masks in the midst of the pandemic.
“INFOWARS MADE IN THE USA FACE MASK,” his employer’s online store yells, for the low price of $14.95 per mask! (Depending on the quality, $15 can be steep for one mask.)

InfoWars didn’t immediately return a Daily Dot request for comment about the apparent discrepancies regarding face masks.